So beautiful! Having a phone-free holiday will be difficult for me, at least the latter part of the holiday since we will be in South America--which means maps and sometimes translations when I've forgotten that one word in Portuguese I never use. Maybe Colin and I can plan a phone-less day for our anniversary...what happens when you need the GPS!? I always adore your photos so much - I got so much new film for my medium format camera that I haven't used up because I've been too sad how broke I am that I can't develop the film haha BUT I'll be bringing it with me on my travels and attempt to shoot out an entire roll (12) this weekend before we head away. Thanks for always reminding me to slow down

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Hahaha yes GPS and translators are some of the best modern inventions! Maybe a mostly phone-less anniversary? I'm looking forward to seeings those film photos😍! Love you xo

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So exciting to see your name in my inbox. thank you for taking the time

To write to us and invite us to slow down and get rid of the phone. I’m so much more addicted than I’d like to admit. I was hoping to do a phone free holiday and that didn’t last very long. I will

Try again, thanks to you! Much love💗

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Thank you for reading and commenting, Daniela❤️! Yes, little bits of phone-free holidays are always better than nothing! Excited to hear how it goes🥰

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